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I'm Erin — goals coach & productivity strategist for ambitious entrepreneurs. I'm here to help you get more done without burning out.


Your Environment’s Effect on Achieving Your Goals – Episode 053

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Did you know that where you work on your goals matters? Yes. Your actual physical environment can make achieving your goals easier or it can make it damn near impossible. So the question I want you to ask yourself today is what do you need to do to ensure that your environment is set up to support you and not hinder you?

So that’s exactly what we’re diving into in today’s episode of the Goal Get It Podcast. 

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Show Takeaways: 

  • Understand why where you work on your goals is so important. 
  • Learn how to set up your physical environment for success and the different factors to consider.
  • Discover the next step you can take today to set your environment so that you can meet your goals!

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Did you know that where you work on your goals matters? Your actual physical environment can make achieving your goals easier or damn near impossible. So, what do you need to do to ensure that your environment is set up to support you and not hinder you? That’s exactly what I’m diving into in today’s episode!

Before we dive into today’s episode, I want to let you know about an excellent opportunity. Right now, I have a just a few spots available for 1:1 coaching and you might be the perfect fit for one of these spots.

Fiercely Focused is a 6-month 1:1 coaching program designed so you can achieve your big goals faster & easier without burning out.


Fiercely Focused is for online entrepreneurs who want clarity in where they are and where they are going, to leverage their talents and skills, to home in on what’s most effective for them, and to take action to get to their goals faster & easier while actually enjoying the process.

If you are interested in leveling up this year with my help, I want to invite you to head on over to erinhaworth.com/apply to complete an application to work with me one-on-one. Once these spots fill, you’ll be placed on a waitlist so you’ll be the first to know when a spot opens up.

So, pause this episode, go over to erinhaworth.com/apply, complete the application and then come right back here so we can dive in.

Your physical environment can be a game-changer in your leveling up. The right environment can evoke feelings that set you up to be inspired, productive, & your best self. Still have some doubt? There was a study done in 2019 in Finland on the effect on environment on a healthy choice – walking. They found that no matter the individual demographic or psychological traits of the individuals in the study, their physical environment being supportive of them walking led to them walking more. Meaning they were more easily able to achieve their goal of walking more because the environment supported it. Think about your own goals. Your big revenue number for the year or the number of clients you want to serve or the new program or service you want to launch. Whatever it is. Does your current physical environment (your home, your office, your online or digital workspace) support you making that goal easier or is it making it harder?

Here are a few environmental factors to consider:

  • Lighting – bright light = awake; dim light releases melatonin makes us tired
  • Sound – white noise for good sleep, instrumental or biurnal beats for productivity & content creation, 90s pop for cleaning
  • Smell – aromatherapy (peppermint, coffee to wake up; lavender to calm; test different scents out for yourself)
  • Clutter – clean house, clean desk, clean Asana, everything has a spot, clutter isn’t a distraction.
  • Visual reminders of priorities & inspiration – vision board, plants, calendars (neuyear), powersheets, inspirational posters or wall decor
  • Tools – dry erase boards, post-its, pens that work & sharpies, weights, books readily available
  • Comfort & ease
    • Tea or coffee
    • ipad and headphones are charged; clean clothes,
    • Water easily accessible
    • Fresh veggies & fruits out and easily accessible; junk food put away or not available
    • Workout gear ready to go (weights, clipboard with workout pages, clothes)

I always like to end each episode with an action step that you can take right now to help you move forward and begin to implement immediately. Here is your action step for this episode:

Action Step:

Grab a journal. Become a detective. When do you feel most inspired & productive? What physical environment support that inspiration & productivity? Then determine what changes to your environment you need to make. Make one of them in the next 48 hours.


CEO Mindset

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Create a Custom Success Plan for You & Your Small Business

Intentionally Cultivating Habits That Work Now + Pivoting When They Stop Working

The Real Fear Holding You Back From A Successful Business 

Create An Aligned Roadmap to Achieving Your Big Goals 

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I'm Erin — goals coach & productivity strategist for ambitious entrepreneurs. I'm here to help you get more done without burning out.

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