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Save 10+ Hours
Every Month By Repurposing Content

12Pm EDT | 11am CDT | 10am MDT | 9am PDT

Wednesday, may 25, 2022

free masterclass

Put out better, consistent content while saving your time & sanity.

Creating high-quality consistent content
is part of your job as an entrepreneur.

And for good reason!

Builds your authority & thought leadership in your industry to give potential clients the trust they need to invest in you. 

BUT here's the problem...

Nurtures your audience so you stay top of mind for them when they are ready to invest in a solution or recommend a friend or colleague who could benefit.

Attracts the quality leads that you desire while repelling those who aren't a great fit so you can spend more time serving the people you love to serve, leading to a larger impact. 

benefits of Consistent valuable content

Frankly, you are just plain BURNT OUT on creating so much content every single week. And a bit resentful that you have to maintain a presence on all these platforms.

You aren't seeing the traction & engagement with your content that you know you NEED to grow to that next milestone.

Coming up with NEW IDEAS every week for what to say in a video or do a reel about or write a caption on makes you want to give it all up. I mean, you've said it all before!!

we can fix that...

As a SOLOPRENEUR who has created and produced over 70 podcast episodes for the Goal Get It Podcast, cultivated a new Youtube channel where I put out a video every week, sends out emails to nurture my list of subscribers twice a week, and maintains a consistent active presence on multiple social media channels, I know that creating content to keep up with the algorithms, platforms, & trends can be exhausting BUT a little strategy can go a long way.

I've helped dozens of entrepreneurs create & grow their businesses in a way that works for them, gives them back their time freedom, & saves them from burn out...

The content you create and share is an immensely valuable tool in your business growth– we just need to create a simple system to leverage the content you are creating to get BETTER RESULTS IN LESS TIME.

If you are willing to commit 75 minutes of your time and really SHOW UP for this masterclass, I'll help you create a custom system to save you 10+ hours every single month with your content, giving you more time to focus on other things like serving your clients and LOVING YOUR LIFE! 

During this masterclass,
you will...

discover the 3 super common mistakes that is making creating content take 3x longer

learn my secret for planning out a year's worth of content in a single afternoon

create a super simple system for repurposing your content that is customized to your business to make publishing consistent high-quality content easy & fun AND free up 10+ hours every single month

[BONUS!!!] get access to my exact content creation template, so you can get all your content organized

MAY 25, 2022

12pm EDT | 11am CDT
10am MDT | 9am PDT

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What They're Saying

“Erin's helped me to figure out what works for me— not just copycatting someone else's system and expecting amazing outcomes.”
- Kathy M., Healthy Habits Coach

“Since hiring Erin, I feel in control of my day. I no longer waste time or go down rabbit holes, and have found peace in my daily routine.”
- Maria G.

“You know those brilliant people who just have a knack for figuring things out? That’s Erin.”
- Sarah D. 

"Knowing how I actually work best and being productive in those times has been a game-changer."
- Morgan C.

I’m Erin, and I work with online entrepreneurs like you who are ready to stop doing everything and instead do what works in a way that works for you. 

I equip you with the tools and confidence to turn chaos and overwhelm of your every day into a sustainable + profitable business of your dreams. 

I wasn’t always the boss though. I honed my chops as the Manager of ALL THINGS of someone else’s 6-figure online business for almost 5 years before branching out on my own. It took much longer than I thought trying to teach myself how to be the most effective I could be with my time. But what I figured out was invaluable.

Drawing on my years of experience in branding, marketing, and operations, I have the capability of seeing the 30,000-ft-view one moment & then zoom in on the individual details the next, which I have been told is a SUPERPOWER. Who knew?

And I want to help you get to your big goals faster & easier. 

goals coach, productivity strategist, oklahoma girl, and mama to a sassy 5yo

Meet your coach!

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12Pm EDT | 11am CDT | 10am MDT | 9am PDT

Wednesday, may 25, 2022

Save 10+ Hours
Every Month By Repurposing Content

free masterclass

Put out better, consistent content while saving your time & sanity.

MAY 25, 2022

12pm EDT | 11am CDT
10am MDT | 9am PDT

I'm IN! sign me up!

Save 10+ Hours
Every Month By Repurposing Content

free masterclass

Put out better, consistent content while saving your time & sanity.


12Pm EDT | 11am CDT | 10am MDT | 9am PDT

Wednesday, may 25, 2022

Save 10+ Hours
Every Month By Repurposing Content

free masterclass

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PHOTOGRAPHY BY mandy liz photography & jessica mcintosh Photography

© workwithprocess, llc