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I'm Erin — goals coach & productivity strategist for ambitious entrepreneurs. I'm here to help you get more done without burning out.

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Choosing the Right Support In This Season – Episode 071

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Are you feeling that pull, that you need someone in your life and in your business to help you to get to that next level? I know that I go through different phases, in my life and business, in different seasons where I need different people and roles fulfilled to help me continue to move forward, grow, and stretch myself. And that support looks different depending on the situation and season I am in. So in this episode, I’m going to share with you how to choose the right support in this season of your life and business.

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Show Takeaways: 

  • Listen in to understand what areas you may be lacking or the gap that needs to be filled.
  • Understand how to fill that gap and what type of roles you may need.

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Are you feeling the pull that you need someone in your life and in your business to help you get to that next level? I know that I go through different phases in my life and business where I need different people and roles fulfilled to help me continue to move forward, grow, and stretch myself. And they are different depending on the situation and where I am. So in this episode I am sharing with you how to choose the right support in this season of your life and business.

Okay, before we dive into all the amazingness I have planned for this episode, I have to ask: is keeping up with the content you are creating a total time-suck? I get it. That used to be me. Until I created a tool to allow me to plan out and organize all my content creation in one spot in a way that worked for my brain. If content creation and keeping all the posts, reels, podcast episodes, videos, blogs, stories, lives— all of that straight is something that is taking up an incredible amount of your time and causing you to feel overwhelmed, I actually have an excellent free template that you can grab right now. This is the exact content editorial template that I use to plan out & keep straight all the content that I create for my own business. Head on over to erinhaworth.com/freetemplate to grab it.

Entrepreneurship can be a lonely endeavor, especially if you are a solopreneur that works from home. You have lots of conversations with yourself, but while you might be pretty comfortable wearing all the hats, it can be difficult to continue to grow and up-level when you are doing it all by yourself. Which is why we reach for outside support to help us.

There is a reason the online coaching industry is growing (it is projected to be a $20 billion USD by the end of this year) and why memberships with built in accountability are popular. There are specific things that we need in growing an online business and creating a lifestyle that is aligned with what we want for ourselves that we need help with, that we need support with. But how do you find the right support for any given season that you are in?

The first step in determining the right support you need now is to understand what it is you are lacking or the gap that needs to be filled. In my experience with running an online business for over 3 years now and working with online entrepreneurs even longer than that, I have figured out that there are very specific things that we need to succeed as online entrepreneurs, and mostly at different times and in different seasons of life and business.

You might need recognition. Yes, it’s okay to admit that. You need to know that what you are doing is making a difference and that you are on the right track, and sometimes it can be months or years of hustling before you receive recognition on a public level. That validation can give you the power to keep going. It’s not sexy or a “boss babe” thing to say, but I’m just being honest. Every single one of the students and clients I’ve worked with have needed it to keep moving forward. It’s like borrowing someone else’s belief in you until you can stand on your own. It’s a process.

You might need accountability, either to yourself or more likely, to someone else. Accountability is an interesting thing. Most of the entrepreneurs I speak with mention this is something they are seeking. While the adage “we don’t break promises to ourselves” is a wonderful idea, it isn’t always practical. Sometimes the fear of others ostracizing us because we broke a promise to them again (which is an evolutionary, biological thing), is a great motivator and gives us the nudge we need. [PS: if you want a bit more on how I view accountability, take a listen to EPISODE 056: Is External Accountability A Crutch or a Necessity for You as An Entrepreneur?]

You might need someone who gets it, who understands exactly what you are going through because they have been there. Those who have never tried their hand at entrepreneurship don’t understand. They don’t get what a huge milestone your first sale is. They don’t understand how monumental it is to hit your first $10,000 month. They don’t get why you WANT to get up super early or work late into the night because you are so passionate about your mission and what you are creating. Being able to talk to others that get it, speak the language, know what you are feeling makes you feel a little less alone. And knowing that others struggle with similar things that you do normalizes the challenge and gets us out of that whole “I’m the problem” trap. If you have people around you who just don’t get it and it’s driving you insane, go check out EPISODE 067: How to Deal When Those Around You Don’t Get It.

You might need collaboration. We can’t build all alone. Finding others in your field or other fields that want to partner can not only increase your audience reach and income, but can produce projects that neither one of you could’ve created alone, pushing you into new territory. New territory is where growth happens.

You might need innovative ideas. If you can’t evolve with the fast-changing landscape of online entrepreneurship, you soon will be outta business. You may know all there is to know about your field, but if you stop there, you are limiting yourself. By bouncing ideas off of those in other fields, you can get ideas that you may not have previously had access to. Two heads truly are better than one.

You might need outside perspective because you can’t see everything you need to see because you are too close to your own project. Are you a marketer who seems to have a block when it comes to your own marketing? Has someone ever said something to you that you’d heard before but the way they framed it made it make sense in a way that never had before? That is perspective. It is imperative to seek outside perspective because everything you do is colored by your unique set of experiences throughout your life. And because not everyone in your audience has had that same set of experiences, NOT getting outside perspective can be limiting.

You might need practical help. This is that actual boots on the ground, someone to delegate to, someone who can do the thing rather than just someone who can teach you to do the thing. It can look like a social media manager actually making sure all that content gets leveraged, it could be a podcast editor that polished each episode to make it release ready, it might be a VA that takes all those million tiny tasks away, it might be a chef to come in and cook dinners three times a week or a maid service to come in to keep those dust bunnies at bay. It can look lots of different ways but the big defining piece of this one is that someone else is doing the work.

Once you decide what it is that you most need right now, you can begin to look at the roles that can fulfill that need. For example, if you need accountability, maybe you need an accountability partner. But if you also need innovative ideas and outside perspective in addition to accountability, maybe hiring a coach is more aligned as your next step. If you decide hiring a coach IS your next step, I highly recommend taking a listen to EPISODE 050: Choosing The Right Coach for You to make sure you choose and invest wisely. If you want collaborations, maybe a mastermind is a good fit. Maybe you need a new biz bestie or just to hire someone who you can delegate personal tasks to so you can focus on what truly needs your focus and attention.

Action Step:

I always like to end each episode with an action step that you can take right now to help you move forward and begin to implement immediately. Here is your action step for this episode: Decide who the next person you need in your life and business are. Then go out and look for them.


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I'm Erin — goals coach & productivity strategist for ambitious entrepreneurs. I'm here to help you get more done without burning out.

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