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I'm Erin — goals coach & productivity strategist for ambitious entrepreneurs. I'm here to help you get more done without burning out.

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Choosing The Right Coach for You – Episode 050

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Welcome to the first podcast episode of 2022!

At this time, every single year, there is an uptick in the number of entrepreneurs hiring support and hiring coaches to help them get to their goals, but not all coaches are created equal and a great coach for someone else may not be a great coach for you.

So in this episode of the Goal Get It Podcast, I am breaking down a simple process that you can go through to make sure you are choosing the right coach for you.

Let’s dive in!

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Show Takeaways: 

  • Listen in to hear my best practices (from personal experience) when looking to hire a coach
  • Discover what questions to ask and what to look for when choosing the right coach for you
  • Understand the importance of hiring the right coach, not just any coach for your business

Rather skim before you listen? ⬇️

At this time every year, there is an uptick in the number of entrepreneurs hiring support & coaches to help them get to their goals. But not all coaches are created equal & a great coach for someone else may not be a great coach for you. So in this episode, I am breaking down a simple process you can go through to make sure you are choosing the right coach for you.

At the beginning of the year, new goals = coaching on things that you don’t already know how to do. So much anxiety & so many questions when hiring a coach to make sure that a potentially 4- or 5-figure investment is one that you feel good about and won’t regret.

My first coaching experience was in summer 2018, it was a $7500 investment, and due to lack of family support & lack of funds, it did not happen.

Fall 2018 was my first real hiring a coach experience at a $5000 investment, and looking back it is something I definitely would’ve done differently. Take a listen to episode 048 to learn more on that disaster.

This coach didn’t coach in a way that I needed. Group container (coach didn’t even know anything about me)

Programs since then have been hit ad miss. Sometimes I will get into a program & the process just doesn’t work for me.

But because of all that experience, I have created a process to make sure you go ito it with the info you need to hire the right coach for you.

The Process

Know yourself & what you are looking for. How do you best work? Enneagram, default rhythms, what you need to be successful? Accountability, weekly calls, ongoing support, a one-time plan, an intensive engagement vs ongoing engagement. What container do you want and/or need? Building a community (group) vs fast-tracking your success (tailored 1:1). What is your budget? Be honest with yourself. Multi-month 1:1 engagements are going to be high 4-figure to 5-figure investment. If you think someone is going to spend 10-30 hours with you over the next 6 months for less than $1000, you are going to be disappointed. Are you desperate? DISCLAIMER: be wary of anyone who makes too good to be promises or silver-bullet-solution promises. Go into this with eyes open, knowing that it isn’t personal, but knowing that sales psychology is something that many coaches are aware of. Also, just because someone is good at sales doesn’t mean they are a good coach, and vice versa.

Do your research. Have they done the thing you want to do or helped others do it with some success? Investigate teaching styles. Look past the promises. Hire slow & fire fast works not just for employees, but for contractors & coaches. Can they help provide an ROI beyond what you can Google & implement? Trust yourself!

Have a chat with them. Discovery call, clarity call. Do you vibe? How do they respond to your questions? “Who is your ideal client?” Don’t say yes if you don’t feel it. Take the time to process. You are interviewing them as much as they are interviewing you. You have nothing to prove to the person on this call, but you do need to be open.

Know that you will need to do work. Buckle down, create the space, & integrate recommendations & advice. Coaches lead you to the answers not do the work for you. “I am willing to do the work necessary to make my ROI.”

Action Step:

Write a list of 3-5 coaches who you are considering. Go through the process that I’ve outlined in this episode to help you decide who to hire to support you in this season.


CEO Mindset

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Book a Clarity Call

Create a Custom Success Plan for You & Your Small Business

Intentionally Cultivating Habits That Work Now + Pivoting When They Stop Working

The Real Fear Holding You Back From A Successful Business 

Create An Aligned Roadmap to Achieving Your Big Goals 

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I'm Erin — goals coach & productivity strategist for ambitious entrepreneurs. I'm here to help you get more done without burning out.

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