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How to Do An End-of-Year Recap – Episode 049

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There is such value in reflecting on what it is that you actually accomplished this year and the wonderful, sometimes surprising things that occurred over the past 12 months. And as a smart savvy business owner, that is 12 months worth of information that can provide invaluable insight as you move forward with new decisions and new directions.

But if you’ve never done an end of year recap you may be unsure exactly how to do it well. So in this episode, I’m going to walk you through it step by step.

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Show Takeaways: 

  • Understand why an end of the year recap can be so value for you and your business
  • Listen in to hear me walk you through the questions to ask during a recap
  • Discover the step-by-step process you can follow today

Rather read than listen? ⬇️

It is End of Year recap time!

There is such value in reflecting on what it is that you accomplished and the wonderful and sometimes surprising things that occurred over the past 12 months.

AND as a smart savvy business owner, that is 12 months worth of information that can provide invaluable insight as you move forward with new decisions and directions.

But if you’ve never done an End-of-Year recap, you may be unsure exactly how to do it well.

So, in this episode, I am going to walk you through it step-by-step. 

So an end-of-year recap is something I try to do in my own business and life every year because it gives me the opportunity to really reflect on what I felt great about, what was disappointing, and how much I was able to grow and push myself in the year. It is an opportunity for gratitude and perspective and insight, especially as I begin to envision what I want the next year to be and what goals I want to set.

Now, this end-of-year recap is meant to be for you but if you feel that sharing it would be advantageous, you certainly can do so. I know many entrepreneurs who do a state of the business kind of post on an annual basis and this can certainly serve as a precursor to that. 

But mainly, I want this to be for you. TO give you what you need to 

The Set-Up

Okay, so this podcast episode is a little more actionable, step-by-step mini-workshop format, so the first thing I want you to do is go download the free End-of-Year Recap questionnaire that I created for you at erinhaworth.com/EOYrecap. If you’d rather use your own notebook, that is fine, too. But go ahead and have it out.

Disclaimer, if you are driving or doing something where writing or closing your eyes for extended periods of time is unsafe, please wait until it is safe to do so to actually complete these exercises. 

I recommend grabbing your planner, journal, or wherever you can look back at what happened this year to spark your memories.

I want to encourage you to give yourself an uninterrupted hour to go through this exercise. 

Okay, all set? I want to encourage you to find a spot where you can sit & be still, your feet grounded to the floor, and sitting up straight in your chair. Gently close your eyes and just breathe. I am not going to take you through a meditation per se, but I am asking you to get present and give yourself the attention you deserve as you begin your recap.  

Think about your immediate reaction to reviewing how this year went. What is that initial feeling? Regret? Dread? Gratitude? Pride? You don’t have to sensor yourself, i just want you to observe your initial reaction. 

Okay, now I want you to grab that notebook or that handy-dandy End-of-Year Recap questionnaire. I am going to ask you some questions and I want you to take as much time as you need to answer. Feel free to pause this episode throughout these questions to give you the time and space to actually answer these questions.

The Questions:

  • What did you do really well this year?
  • What went according to plan or even better?
  • What from your vision board became your reality?
  • What surprised you about this year?
  • What was really hard about this year?
  • What things that came up that hurt you, frustrated you, disappointed you? How did you handle those things?
  • What do you wish you would’ve done differently?
  • What do you consider big wins?
  • If you had a word of the year, do you feel like you maintained that intention & focus? Why or why not?
  • What big experiences happened this year? Why were those memorable?
  • If you could snap your fingers and change one thing about this year, what would it be an why?

Now, you may not answer all these questions. Maybe 5 of these really call to you. Just answer those. The most important thing is that you give yourself the prompts and opportunity and space to reflect. 

This end-of-year recap can provide that opportunity to pause and reflect on the year AND give you invaluable info as you launch into setting resolutions and goals for the next year.

If you’d like to take it a step further to set your goals for 2022 & break them down so you have a step-by-step actionable plan to achieve them, I want to invite you to Goal-Getter Live Encore. I always run my signature goal-setting workshop in December but I want to do things a little differently this year. In addition to that incredible December session, I am adding a Goal-Getter Live 3-day workshop in January for those who just weren’t ready for it back in early December. You can join me January 10, 11, & 12 for this incredible workshop where you will set aligned goals and break them down into an actionable plan so you can truly achieve everything you want to for the year. Head to erinhaworth.com/goal-getter-live to snag your ticket. 

Action Step:

I always like to end each episode with an action step that you can take right now to help you move forward and begin to implement immediately. Here is your action step for this episode: Go download the free End-Of-Year Recap questionnaire and complete your own EOY recap as you prepare for your next chapter. 


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I'm Erin — goals coach & productivity strategist for ambitious entrepreneurs. I'm here to help you get more done without burning out.

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