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I'm Erin — goals coach & productivity strategist for ambitious entrepreneurs. I'm here to help you get more done without burning out.


The S-Word That Is Holding You Back from Creating the Business of Your Dreams – Episode 065

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In this episode, I’m exposing this little sneaky S word, and I’m going to also show you how to stop it from holding you back anymore. About 4 years ago, I realized something was keeping me from living my life the way that I wanted to and as I’ve worked through uprooting it, I’ve noticed how deeply embedded it is in our lives & the online entrepreneurial world. That’s what I’m talking about today. 

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Show Takeaways: 

  • Discover the S-Word that is holding you back. 
  • Learn how to uproot and overcome it. 
  • Hear how I’ve done this in my own business and life.

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About 4 years ago, I realized something very sneaky that was keeping me from living my life the way that I wanted to and as I’ve worked through uprooting it, I’ve noticed how deeply embedded it is in our lives & the online entrepreneurial world. So in this episode I am exposing this sneaky s-word and how to stop it from holding you back any more.

One of my biggest triggers is when someone uses the s-word. And it’s not what you think. It’s when someone says that they “should” do something.

Now I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve let this word slip from my mouth a few times even after I realized how incompatible it was with the way I wanted to live. But awareness is the first step to changing a habit. So, I’m working on it and catch myself. And my clients now catch me too if I let it slip.

Let’s look deeper into this idea of should. It indicates that there are activities that we really need to be doing but who decided that?

The reason should bothers me so much is that it is an indicator of others’ expectations— either an individuals or society as a whole.

  • Ecological basis of should – We have a biological need to belong from when it meant life or death.
  • When others’ expectations become a problem
    • when they don’t line up and you start prioritizing the should’s over what YOU want
    • You may not even know what you want or be able to parse out what is an external expectation & what is an internal one
  • Why this matters for entrepreneurs
    • wastes time & energy
    • out of alignment
    • have to force ourselves to do things & begin to resent them
  • What to do instead
    • give yourself the break of people pleasing
    • get to know you (requires you to sit in silence and do some deep self-discovery work)

Action Step:

I always like to end each episode with an action step that you can take right now to help you move forward and begin to implement immediately. Here is your action step for this episode:

Grab a journal & a timer. Divide the page in half by drawing a line down the middle. Set the timer for 6 minutes and on the left side of the page, write down all the things that you need to do this month, using the entire 6 minutes. Pause here and go do that.

Then cover the left hand side of the page, set the timer for another 6 minutes, and on the right side, write down all the things you’d love to do at some point in your lifetime, using the entire 6 minutes. Pause here and go do that.

Then take a look at the two columns together. Do they line up? Do the things on the left side directly relate the the thing on the right. If so, awesome! If not, you may want to look deeper into the disconnect between the tasks and the dreams.


CEO Mindset

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Create a Custom Success Plan for You & Your Small Business

Intentionally Cultivating Habits That Work Now + Pivoting When They Stop Working

The Real Fear Holding You Back From A Successful Business 

Create An Aligned Roadmap to Achieving Your Big Goals 

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I'm Erin — goals coach & productivity strategist for ambitious entrepreneurs. I'm here to help you get more done without burning out.

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