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Are You Ready To Scale Your Business? – Episode 023

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As an online entrepreneur, you’ve likely heard about creating a one to many offer. In fact, in episode 19 of this podcast, I talk about going from trading dollars for hours to leveraging your time to serve several people at once. And this can look like lots of different things. There are lots of options. And while yes, that’s exciting. It’s also terrifying at the same time.

So in this super short and sweet episode, I am talking all about the benefits of a one-to-many offer and how to know if you’re truly ready to create one. 

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Show Takeaways: 

  • Understand the reasons why you might want to add a one to many offer to your product suite or to your services suite, either in place of, or in addition to your one-on-one services.
  • Explore different questions that will help you decide if you are truly ready to scale your business with a one to many offer. 
  • Learn how to work with me so we can create your one-to-many offer together. 

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As an online entrepreneur, you’ve likely heard about creating a 1:many offer. In fact in episode 019, called Packaging Your Expertise to Create a Scalable One-To-Many Offer, I talk about going from trading dollars for hours to leveraging your time to serve several people at once. This can look like online courses, group coaching, a book, a membership, a digital or physical product. There are lots of options and that is exciting and terrifying all at the same time. 

So in this super short and sweet episode, I am talking all about the benefits of a 1:many offer and if you are truly ready to create one. 

There are a few different reasons why you might want to add a 1:many offer to your product suite, either in place of or in addition to your 1:1 services. 

Create it once and then focus on marketing and selling it. Yes, you may need to update the 1:many offer as you go to make sure it stays relevant, but the idea here is that you put the main effort of creating it once and then that energy can go towards leveraging that work and getting into as many hands as possible. 

Serve more people including a more diverse range of income. Provide others with options. 1:1 isn’t right for everyone. By providing a 1:many option, you might be able to appease more budget ranges and styles of learning as well. 

Give you some freedom in your business. You likely started your business for some sort of freedom, including time freedom and financial freedom. With 1:1 work, if you have the time, the financial freedom is limited and vice versa. If you are making bank, you likely have lots of clients taking up all your time. A 1:many offer provides an opportunity to get paid well for doing less work on a daily or weekly basis. Also, considering freedom, have you ever wanted to live in a different country or even just a different state, this type of offer gives you the flexibility to have some independence with your location. You need not stay in the same geographic location or time zone to deliver. 

Speaking of getting paid to do less, that is what makes 1:many offer scalable. Meaning you have the ability to increase the amount of money you make without increasing hours you work. It is what we call a “passive” income stream, not because you never have to do any work for it, but because someone can purchase it without you having to be directly involved in facilitating the sale. 

A 1:many offer also allows you to build momentum and reach a wider audience. With a 1:1 offer, you are selling your time and attention. That is where the value is derived. With a 1:many offer, you are forced to put the value in the transformation that the information you share and the journey you design creates. The value is in you becoming a thought leader, a conversation starter, someone who has a unique process that helps your people solve a problem that they haven’t been successful in solving without you. Not only is this good for you, it’s good for your audience, your clients, your customers. They can do the work to get the result and when they do, they can tell their friends. Word of mouth marketing is 5 times more effective than other digital marketing efforts so by serving more people in this way, you are exponentially increasing the potential exposure you have to other potential clients or customers. 

So, the question becomes “How do I know if I’m ready to scale with a 1:many offer?”. Well I am going to answer your question with a question— actually a few questions. 

Here are some questions for you to answer for yourself to help you decide if you are ready for a 1:many offer:

  • Do you have something to teach? Like I mentioned, the transformation here is what is valuable and you can’t do the work for them. So whether you are a consultant, client, or a done-for-you service provider, what is something that you could potentially teach someone else? This can be challenging because you are shifting the focus away from the result you directly provide to learning how to educate others. Educational design is a huge part of a 1:many offer and shouldn’t be overlooked. Which is why in Next-Level CEO, you’ll learn how to create your 1:many offer and deliver in a way that gets your clients the transformation they truly want. 
  • Do you have proven results? This is another good question, because the process you utilize is often what is going to be the thing that helps someone solve a problem they’ve previously been unsuccessful in solving on their own or with other offers. This is one reason why I often suggest starting with 1:1 offers because you can test and hone your process very quickly and see it work for lots of different ideal clients before creating a 1:many offer around it. If you created a process because it worked for you, that is amazing and still counts. But if you can replicate those results for others, it is even more powerful. 
  • Do you know who you serve and how to serve them? This is a big one because we all know how important it is to know your ideal client. That is because when you are designing something specifically for them, you need to be in their head. You need to know what their day-to-day lives look like so you can determine what questions they have before they have a chance to ask them, what method of delivery works best for them, what criteria they are weighing to make a decision, and even if this problem is one that they are motivated to solve or not. 
  • Do you have the capability and desire to show up as an expert? Yes, you have to be the expert here. If you are going to sell someone an information- and transformation-based process and system, they have to be able to believe in you, the offer, and their ability to implement the process to get the results. If you are afraid to show up and be seen, it’s going to make trusting you a really difficult thing to do and make it really hard to get more people interested in any offer you have. 
  • Are you wanting to scale to just make more money or to serve more people? There is no real right answer here. But I have seen those who just want to add some cash to their bank account falter because that was their focus. In order to create an offer that your audience goes crazy for, you need to have the desire to actually serve them. And you can make really good money by focusing on serving them. 
  • Is your niche large enough to support scaling? Basically, is your pool of potential ideal clients large enough to support a 1:many offer? Think about it this way: if your niche is super obscure and there are only 100 people in the entire world that fit into it, you are going to struggle. Industry standard tells us that 3% of any niche is actively looking for a solution to purchase to a specific problem. So if we apply that to our example, just 3 people will buy. That isn’t a scalable option. If you are too niche currently, that doesn’t mean this is a no, you can’t create a scalable offer. But you’ll likely need to broaden your audience a bit in order to do so successfully. 

Action Step:

I always like to end each episode with an action step that you can take right now to help you move forward and begin to implement immediately. Here is your action step for this episode: Do an honest assessment of whether or not you are in a place that you are ready to scale. Go through and answer each of those questions honestly. Do a gut check. Does it feel like now is the time?


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I'm Erin — goals coach & productivity strategist for ambitious entrepreneurs. I'm here to help you get more done without burning out.

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