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I'm Erin — goals coach & productivity strategist for ambitious entrepreneurs. I'm here to help you get more done without burning out.

CEO Mindset

Mastering Your Mindset Isn’t Just for the Woo Coaches – Episode 061

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What you believe matters. There are these ideas that we have, as to what we need in order to be a successful CEO, a successful entrepreneur. We have preconceived notions about what success is, what it means, how it looks, and of course, how to get there.

I can teach you all the productivity hacks and business strategy in the world but it won’t make a difference if your mindset isn’t aligned & on-point.

So this is what we are talking about today: your mindset.

Show Links:

Show Takeaways: 

  • What Mindset actually is (and is not) 
  • Listen to examples of how to shift your mindset
  • The action step you can take today to help you lean-in and improve your mindset today

Rather read before you listen? ⬇️

What you believe matters. There are these ideas that we have as to what you need in order to be a successful CEO, a successful entrepreneur.

We have preconceived notions about what success is, what it means, how it looks, and of course, how to get there.

I can teach you all the productivity hacks and business strategy in the world but it won’t make a difference if your mindset isn’t aligned & on-point.

So this is where we are going today: We are talking about your mindset.

Okay, before we dive into all the amazingness I have planned for this episode, I have to ask: is keeping up with the content you are creating a total time-suck? I get it. That used to be me. Until I created a tool to allow me to plan out and organize all my content creation in one spot in a way that worked for my brain. If content creation and keeping all the posts, reels, podcast episode, videos, blogs, stories, lives— all of that straight is something that is taking up an incredible amount of your time and causing you to feel overwhelmed, I actually have an excellent free template that you can go grab right now. This is the exact content editorial template that I use to plan out & keep straight all the content that I create for my own business. Head on over to erinhaworth.com/freetemplate to grab it.

Let’s just rip off the bandaid. I know there are some of you listening who’s eyes glaze over anytime someone starts talking about mindset. I can hear it now, “yes, yea, yea. What I believe matters. okay give me the strategy please.”

But the things you resist are likely what you need the most. “But Erin, I’m not a woo coach.” I’ve heard this numerous times and plenty of excuses.

But mindset work isn’t just for my woo friends. It matters. So if you give me a few minutes of your time, I’ll explain why.

The idea of mindset has been growing in popularity since Carol Dweck released her book, Mindset, in 2006 and specifically for entrepreneurs with the increased popularity of the idea of money mindset and abundance vs scarcity mindset. So, I’m not surprised if you don’t vibe with the manifestation, abundance, crystals culture, that you don’t really want to talk about mindset.

But let’s strip it away back to basics.

Mindset is basically just your ideas and beliefs.

The “official” definition is your established set of attitudes.

For example, if you have a fixed mindset, you believe your qualities are fixed traits and therefore cannot change.

With a scarcity mindset, you believe that there will never be enough — whether it’s money, food, emotions or something else entirely — and as a result, your actions and thoughts stem from a place of lack.

Mindset matters because our perception shapes our experiences. No, not by magic.

Whether you believe in woo, manifestation, and the power of the universe or not, if you believe you can’t do something, you won’t, because you won’t do what it takes to get there.

Having a positive, abundant, growth mindset has been shown to lead to happier, more fulfilled, and more successful individuals. Yes, science.

One of my favorite ways to demonstrate this is with a framework that Brooke Castillo coined as The Model.

The basic premise of the Model is that your thoughts produce your feelings, your feelings fuel your actions, and your actions create your results.

Your thoughts are based on circumstances, and while you don’t have control over these circumstances, you do have control of your thoughts aka how you interpret those circumstances. Remember, your thoughts are reflective of your beliefs and attitudes aka your mindset. With me so far?

For example, say you have a discovery call with a potential lead and they say, “I need to think about it.” If your mindset is one based on not feeling worthy or good enough or thinking that anything is going to work, you will likely interpret that circumstance to mean they are just being polite and that they can’t wait to get off the call with you. That will leave you feeling embarrassed and feeling pretty crappy, right? So what action will you take? Getting off the call as soon as possible and never reaching out to them ever again. So what are the results? You don’t work with them.

However, let’s take the exact same circumstances with a different mindset. you have a discovery call with a potential lead and they say, “I need to think about it.” In your mind, you know that this person is a perfect fit and that you can really help her. You think that she is probably just afraid of change as so many leads are. This is a big change & a big investment and wants to know that she is making the best decision. You then feel empathy towards her and a desire to help her. So the action you take? You connect with her, show her you understand, and ask if there are any additional questions she has or if there is additional information she needs to make a decision for herself. Then you want to respect her decision-making process so you schedule a follow-up call to continue your discussion. Results? Way more likely to sign an ideal client and start the working relationship off strong.

See the difference mindset can make. And it has nothing to do with manifestation, woo, or magical thinking.

Further more, scientific studies have shown that individuals with a growth mindset are likely to have heightened awareness of and attention to errors. In addition, growth-minded individuals may neutralize the affective response to negative feedback. Meaning if you screw up, you don’t take it personally and spiral for days or give up on your business if an internet troll comes for you.

And if that wasn’t enough, having the right mindset has scientifically shown to lead to increased intrinsic motivation (the ability to kick your own ass into action.) In a world where most entrepreneurs that come to me say accountability of some sort is important to them to get stuff done, this is a game-changer.

Action Step:

I always like to end each episode with an action step that you can take right now to help you move forward and begin to implement immediately. Here is your action step for this episode: If you are resistant to this idea of mindset, what is it about mindset that you don’t like? Journal it out. And if you are feeling brave, go DM me on Instagram @ms.erin.haworth and let me know what you came up with.


CEO Mindset

Personal Productivity

Business Strategy


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Create a Custom Success Plan for You & Your Small Business

Intentionally Cultivating Habits That Work Now + Pivoting When They Stop Working

The Real Fear Holding You Back From A Successful Business 

Create An Aligned Roadmap to Achieving Your Big Goals 

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I'm Erin — goals coach & productivity strategist for ambitious entrepreneurs. I'm here to help you get more done without burning out.

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