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I'm Erin — goals coach & productivity strategist for ambitious entrepreneurs. I'm here to help you get more done without burning out.


Choosing Your Big Business & Life Goals for 2022 – Episode 045

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It is that time of the year again, my friend, when we start looking ahead to the next year and what big changes or shifts we want to make with the fresh start that January 1st brings.

But how to you actually choose what changes or shifts you want to make and which ones stay on the dream list for another time? Well, in today’s episode, that is exactly what we are diving into.

Show Links:

Show Takeaways: 

  • Why you may have been unsuccessful at achieving goals before
  • A simple process for choosing 2022 goals well
  • Coupon code for $10 off your ticket to Goal-Getter Live

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So, at the time of this episode coming out, it is Nov 30th 2021, which means we have exactly 32 days left in 2021. And that means that there are 32 days to end 2021 well and begin to imagine how 2022 can be different, better, and the year that everything changes for you. This time of year is exciting because there is lots of celebrating and reflecting but also this inevitable fresh start coming that so many want to leverage as they continue to grow in their life, health, wealth, business, relationships, legacy, and personal fulfillment. But what I often see happen is that the process of setting new goals and choosing what to focus on is either overwhelming initially so you never actually do it, or you start to get into it, choose 30 goals, and then get burnt out by January 17th or so. So you are left setting the same goals year after year not making any real progress. 

Personal Story of Choosing Goals

I get that. I used to do that. I used to set all the New Year’s Resolutions – make more money, get more fit, eat better, make my marriage better, make working out a regular part of my lifestyle, stop watching so much tv, finally do all the things I had been saying i wanted to do. But those were the same year after year. Until one year I decided I was getting off the hamster wheel and trying something different. I envisioned my life a year later and wrote down everything that came to me and then I made an actual plan for how I was gonna get from where I was to where I wanted to go. And that is the process I have used for the past 3 years and I am using for the 4th time as I sit down to plan 2022. And because of how effective yet simple it is, I actually take others through this same process. And if help with setting & achieving your goals is something you’d like a little help with, you can join me on Dec 6, 7, & 8th for Goal-Getter Live, my signature workshop where I walk you through setting goals that mean something to you and then creating an actionable plan for how to achieve them. In fact, because you’re listening to this podcast, you can get $10 off your ticket by using the code “PODCAST” at checkout.

So, what is the simplest way to choose what goals you are going to focus on for 2022?

1. Reflection – you are setting goals in a vacuum. You have real experiences and information to draw from.

  • Over the past year, specifically what has been pulling at you? What is some thing or things that have come up over and over again?
  • Also, how did you do on this year’s goals? Do you wanna take it a step further? Do you need to reevaluate if that is still a priority or not?
  • How do you feel in your daily & weekly life?
  • Wheel of Life
  • Fangirl Framework: It’s no secret that I’m a Jonas Brothers fan and I have cultivated that part of my life because it is something that brings me joy. Unapologetic joy. I’ve noticed that other entrepreneurs, especially the moms, have forgotten how or forbidden themselves from doing something just because it brings them joy. So this is basically asking yourself, if you didn’t have any responsibilities in the whole world & no one would know, what would you do more of?
  • I actually ask these kinds of questions in preparation for Goal-Getter Live each time I run it, and you can actually join me for $10 off your ticket to Goal-Getter Live on Dec 6th, 7th, & 8th just for using the code PODCAST.

2. Brainstorm

  • Give yourself space to dream
  • Envision yourself a year from now: what do you do? what do you have? Who are you surrounded by?

3. Prioritize

  • The One Thing by Gary Keller
  • What is a “should do?”
  • Don’t devalue your own passion & interest
  • Choose well (3-5 goals, 8 goals, you can always add more!)
  • Maintenance zone & growth zone. If you want to learn more about this new addition & get $10 off your ticket to Goal-Getter Live on Dec 6th, 7th, & 8th just for using the code PODCAST.

4. Gut Check – Why?

Action Step

I always like to end each episode with an action step that you can take right now to help you move forward and begin to implement immediately. Here is your action step for this episode: Go snag your ticket for Goal-Getter Live so we can work on not only figuring out your big business & life goals for 2022 but also break them down to create an action plan so you can actually start working towards them, my dear friend. Head on over to erinhaworth.com/goalgetterlive and use the code PODCAST to get $10 off your ticket


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Create An Aligned Roadmap to Achieving Your Big Goals 

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I'm Erin — goals coach & productivity strategist for ambitious entrepreneurs. I'm here to help you get more done without burning out.

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